

(引用:MLB youtube公式動画より)






イチロー選手のレーザービーム 海外の反応

He was the Total Package: Glove, Arm, Hitting, Speed, Attitude & Respect


He had power too, he just didn’t show it. He often hit monster bombs during BP and said he could hit 40 home runs a year but he would have to hit .220 to do that, and he didn’t want to sacrifice his batting average bc he thought that would be more beneficial to the team


The attitude and respect of a champion. Few have this.

チャンピオンとしての態度と敬意。 これを持っている人はほとんどいません。

he should’ve won a championship man, if only the mariners weren’t horribly run after 2001


Great player but, that was a really shallow throw. He’s done much better.


He had everything but power, and he didn’t need it at all.


he didn’t lack power at all. Every teammate he ever had all said that he could win the Homerun Derby. In BP he would hit bombs but in games he hit different. If he tried to hit homeruns he wouldn’t be that good of a hitter. His BA would be low and he’d have a lot of strikeouts. He played baseball the way it should be played and was one of the smartest hitters

いや、彼にはパワーがまったく欠けていませんでした。これまで彼が関わったチームメイトは皆、彼ならホームランダービーに勝てると口をそろえた。 バッティング練習では彼はホームランを沢山打っていましたが、ゲームでは違った打撃をしました。もし彼がホームランを打とうとしても、それほど優れた打者にはなれないだろう。彼のBAは低く、三振が多いだろう。彼は本来あるべき野球をプレーし、最も賢い打者の一人だった

Bary bonds (someone i think is pretty qualified to talk about power hitting) said ichiro could easily win the home run derby. If you look at ichiros homerun percent its low, like 1 in every 80 at bats with no men on base. However when runners are in scoring position or their was grandslam opportunity its double that.


Damn today marks exactly 20 years since this catch. Throw was so perfect the third baseman didn’t even need to move his glove to get the guy out.

今日(2021年ごろのコメント)はこのシーンからちょうど20年になります。 送球は完璧だったので、三塁手は打者をアウトにするためにグローブを動かす必要さえなかった。

the third baseman now became the manager of Cincinnati Reds, David Bell.


Everything about that defensivd play was textbook. Flawless.


I hate how the second he starts the throw, the camera angle changes! 


Great play ruined my horrible camera switching.


Tv capabilities were vastly different then. Try not to be too judgmental.


9 days after Ichiro’s MLB debut. Poor Long. He didn’t know yet.


and no one ever ran on his arm again.


ichiro said “after that runners do not run so I am sad.”


I will never ever forget that throw. It was this moment that made me understand that Ichiro would not just be an above average player in the majors but a star. They replayed that throw during the broadcast of that game probably a dozen times. It was a laser.

あの投球は決して忘れられません。 この瞬間、イチローはメジャーで平均以上の選手になるだけでなく、スターになるだろうと理解した。 彼らはその試合の放送中におそらく十数回その投球を繰り返した。 それはレーザーでした。

Yea you can’t really blame Long. Not like Ichiro was a hall of famer and gold glover already.


Always remember, he made this throw in his *8th career MLB game.*

彼が *キャリア 8 度目の MLB 試合 * でこの投球をしたことを常に覚えておいてください。

He was 27 and had been playing professional baseball for 9 years in Japan…


He played pro in japan


he was technically a rookie in MLB. Read between the lines, bud.


Many people make fun of Ichiro because he is always stretching on the field but I think more people should follow his example. He has never gotten hurt. If I was an owner paying these players millions of dollars I would want them all to be stretching all the time so they could avoid getting hurt.


But, is it true that if you stretch too much you’ll get hurt?


Apparently not.


Stretching prevents injuries.


You’re looking at the first Japanese player to be elected to the MLB Hall of Fame. And, as of today, he only needs 46 more hits to reach 3000 for his American baseball career. Icing on the cake. He was Rookie of the Year in 2001 and MVP in the same year. He also has won 10 Gold Gloves. He also has 500 stolen bases, which leads all active players. Not to mention he holds the record for hits in a season at 262, and had 200-plus hits 10 years in a row, which is also a record. Ichiro is one of the most complete players in the modern era. Imagine what he would have done had he played all of his career in MLB.

日本人選手として初めてMLB殿堂入りを果たしましたね。そして今日の時点で、アメリカ野球キャリアでの3000安打に到達するには、あと46本しか必要としない。さらにすごいことに、 2001年には新人王、同年にはMVPを受賞した。ゴールドグラブ賞も10回獲得している。 500盗塁も現役選手トップとなる。シーズン安打数・262の記録保持者であることは言うまでもなく、10年連続200安打以上も記録である。イチローは現代において最も完成度の高い選手の一人である。もし彼がキャリアのすべてをMLBでプレーしていたらどうなっていたか想像してみてください。

The most perfect baseball player if there ever was one. Skills unmatched. Let’s also not forget combining his Japanese career totals, he has more hits than Pete Rose. Ichiro came over to the MLB when he was already 27 years old. Imagine the MLB numbers and records he’d have had he played his entire career here from the start!

存在するとしたら最も完璧な野球選手。 比類のないスキル。 彼の日本での通算安打数を合計すると、彼はピート・ローズよりも多くのヒットを打っていることも忘れてはいけません。 イチローがMLBにやって来たのはすでに27歳の時だった。 彼が最初からここでキャリア全体をプレーしたであろうMLBの数字と記録を想像してみてください。

Yep, and he also made it look cooler than almost anyone else in baseball other than the steroid behemoths in McGwire and Bonds. I don’t think anyone was as cool as Ichiro and Griffey Jr.

そうだ、そして彼はまた、マグワイアとボンズのステロイド巨人以外の野球界のほとんどの誰よりもクールに見せた。 イチローやグリフィー・ジュニアほどクールな人はいなかったと思う。

Ichiro is way better than Griffey Jr. He accomplished more in less time.

イチローはグリフィー ジュニアよりもはるかに優れています。彼はより短い時間でより多くのことを成し遂げました。

I have this same argument with a friend of mine. He’s the Griffey fan, I’m the Ichiro fan and the conversation just always comes to loggerheads. Personally, I think the long ball is overrated. I’ll take a guy who can get on base and advance over a power hitter every time. Though, in the end, neither saw a World Series during their career, which is a goddamn shame.

私も友人と同じような議論をしています。彼はグリフィーのファン、私はイチローのファンですが、会話はいつも対立するものになります。個人的にはロングボールは過大評価されていると思う。毎回出塁してパワーヒッターを越えて進塁できる選手を連れて行きます。 しかし、結局のところ、どちらもキャリア中にワールドシリーズに出場することはできなかったが、これは非常に残念なことだ。

Executes a perfect strike to 3rd, then casually stretches in preparation for the next play . . . What a privilege it was to see this incredibly talented, gracious, and humble man play back in the day!

3塁まで完璧なストライクを決め、次のプレーに備えてさりげなくストレッチをする。 。 。この信じられないほど才能があり、礼儀正しく、謙虚な男のプレーを当時に見ることができたのは、何と光栄なことでしょう!

2019 Ichiro retired, 2018 Shohei Joined the MLB. One Legend from Japan leaves, another one comes to take his place.


I dropped my son while playing with him after seeing this live on ESPN. He’s 19 now and doesnt blame me.


Too funny 😉👍🤣


The most underhyped underappreciated MLB superstar in the last 15 years


Underappreciated in America, yes. They worshipped him in Asian countries. I remember spending a couple weeks in Seattle, went to several games, and the entire city was overloaded with Japanese tourists. I didn’t know why until my uncle explained it was because of Ichiro. This was, I believe in 97? The year they just couldn’t lose. Good times, good memories. I’ve still got the free shirt and ball they passed out as we walked in.

アメリカでは過小評価されています、そうです。 アジア諸国で彼は崇拝されていました。 シアトルで数週間過ごし、いくつかの試合を見に行きましたが、街全体が日本人観光客で溢れかえっていたのを覚えています。 叔父がイチローのせいだと説明するまで、その理由が分かりませんでした。これはたしか97年だったと思います。絶対に負けられない年だった。 良い時間、良い思い出。 私たちが入場するときに彼らが配った無料のシャツとボールをまだ持っています。

Hardly underappreciated. Everyone loves him. He’s a shoe-in first-ballot hall-of-famer.


He sits in the pantheon of humble giants along with Tim Duncan.


He is the best ever.


Eric Byrnes once said that not only did Ichiro have all of the tools he was so well known for, but of all the players he had ever played with, Ichiro had the most power. Byrnes said that during practice, Ichiro could hit the ball farther than anyone he had ever seen, but during games his bread and butter was concentrating on hitting for average and getting on base. What an awesome talent.


That was the sheer insanity of Ichiro. If he wanted to he could’ve been a major power hitter. But he didn’t. He’d rather go 3-5 with three singles and two runs scored than go 1-5 but have that one be a 440-foot dinger. He literally had EVERY tool in the baseball toolbox at his disposal and could pick and choose the ones he wanted to focus on.

それはイチローの全くの狂気だった。 その気になれば、彼はメジャーなパワーヒッターになれただろう。 しかし、彼はそうしませんでした。 彼は1勝5敗よりも、3本の単打と2ランを決めて3勝5敗のほうを望んでいるが、それは440フィートのディンガーになるだろう。 彼は文字通り、野球道具箱のすべての道具を自由に使えて、集中したいものを選んで使うことができました。

it literally doesn’t get better than this…! Japan has brought some absolute beauty to baseball. what a memory


The most perfect baseball player if there ever was one. Perfection. Precision. Timeless. Ichiro.

存在するとしたら最も完璧な野球選手。 完璧。精度。 タイムレス。 イチローさん。

5 years after this post there’s a new Japanese player that might just take that reign. Shohei Ohtani!

この投稿から 5 年後、その統治を引き継ぐかもしれない新しい日本人プレーヤーが現れました。大谷翔平さん!

Legend, I love Ichiro



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